Applejuice is a semi-centralized peer-to-peer file sharing network similar to the original eDonkey network.
Applejuice offers server and client software for Applejuicenet. The network is not managed by one company, organisation, or server, but is decentralized over many servers. The servers however, are central points for all users. Users of the Applejuice client connect to an Applejuice server, search for and find files, also locate files with a given hash from links, and then download them directly from other clients (or "peers"). The servers don't store any files. All files are served by the clients. The servers index these files, and the clients exchange the files. The clients are actually servents (P2P), regarding file sharing services. The used terms describe the role in the file searching services.
For locating resources, the Applejuice network uses a client-server system. However, the servers are also connected one to another, so while on "Server A" an individual can locate files from users on "Server B" (server-server). Clients directly exchange information about servers and files.
The topology is comparable to IRC. Clients have to connect to a server, so it is somewhat centralized. However, there are many servers in each network, and there are also many networks. Client-client communication is similar to IRC's DCC.