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Document Sharing Products
Document Sharing
Document Sharing applications are designed to provide access to page style content. Content shared this way may be in the form of a spreadsheet, document library, or PDF. Some applications within this category also allow for the creation of documents.
It's new simple way to share and collaborate freely on a document wherever you are. Create a new document, Share it and track versions & export in PDF....
Using Balsamiq Mockups feels like you are drawing, but it's digital, so you can tweak and rearrange controls easily, and the end result is much cleaner. Teams can come up with a design and iterate ove...
ConceptShare began as a solution to the problems we had sharing ideas about web applications as well as our frustrations communicating changes to creative work....
Kykachat is a web based group chat, an excellent tools for team collaboration, realtime images and file sharing, multiple rooms. Designed with AJAX powered, and makes your client only need a web brows...
LucidChart is an online collaborative flow-charting application designed from the ground up to be the fastest, easiest way to collaborate on and publish flow charts online. ...