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File Storage/Sharing Application Products
File Storage/Sharing Application
File sharing Application is the public or private sharing of computer data or space in a network with various levels of access privilege. File sharing almost always means sharing files in a network, even if in a small local area network. File sharing allows a number of people to use the same file or file by some combination of being able to read or view it, write to or modify it, copy it, or print it.
Syncplicity is a backup and synchronization software which allows users to store and sync files online and with multiple computers as well. It also allows syncing with Google docs, Scribd, Zoho and pi...
Thaicyberupload is a file hosting service where users can upload their files and share it with their friends by sharing the download link for the uploaded file....
Tonido is an extensible platform that offers wide variety of applications including Photos, Jukebox, Webshare, and Workspace. It uses advanced technology P2P based Cloud computing to share data with o...