Programs designed to monitor user activity. They may be used with or without consent. Because it is sold commercially, many anti-virus vendors do not detect them. The most common form of a commercial monitoring tool comes in the form of a keystroke logger, which intercepts keystrokes from the keyboard and records them in a log. This can then be sent to whoever installed the software, or keylogger, onto the machine. Some Commercial Monitoring Software may take screenshots or video and send the information to an outbound connection.
From their website:
Cyber Predator is an Internet/Network security and activity monitor.
In Real-Time it sniffs all internet/intranet/extranet traffic to and from the clients browser looking for key (naughty) words in the content, and in real time will alert a manager/administrator of the naughty activity. It also logs browser activity, so you can see what your traffic patterns are, who visited what site and when, this product not only identifies the client IP address, but (if they are using Microsoft Windows? and Microsoft Networking), it will tell you the PC Name, and the user logged onto that PC at the time, Logon name and Full Name. It has several pages of treeviews (Like Explorer) so you can drill down into Users to see what sites they visited what pages they viewed and how long for. You can look at sites, and see what users visited them, and you can look at PC's to see what sites they have visited and what pages they viewed. You also can see the violation words and associated users.